by Jane Sandwood

Every day you breathe up to 30,000 times. Now imagine you’re breathing in polluted air. When we think of toxins in the air, we immediately think of our lung health. But your nose is the first organ that has to deal with polluted, harmful air. Even though you’ve got nose hairs to trap pollutants, you can still get affected by the air around you. This is why you sometimes have to take matters into your own hands and improve your nose and general health with good lifestyle habits, such as using a cleansing xylitol spray. Here’s how air quality affects your nose, how your nose fights back against pollutions, and what you can do to keep your nose healthy.

Your nose isn’t just useful for smelling the gorgeous roses in the garden. It affects your taste, which is why you can’t taste your dinner when you have a blocked nose. Your nose cleans the air you breathe by eliminating toxins before they can enter the lungs and cause infections. Here’s more about what you need to know about your nose so that you can boost its elimination of harmful toxins.

How Your Nose Protects You Against Pollution

Your body has an amazing cleaning system to naturally rid itself of toxins. Bacteria can’t penetrate the skin, and our skin’s healthy bacteria kill off harmful ones. The nose is protected against toxins by the tiny hairs it has as well as its mucus production. It also activates responses such as sneezing to rid the nasal passages of dust and other toxins. Toxins that enter the nose tend to accumulate on the mucus. This can lead to health problems if the mucus is not moved out by swallowing it.

Health Problems From Toxins In The Air

When toxins accumulate in the nose, they can irritate the sinuses. This can lead to a variety of problems, such as inflammation, swelling, and blocked sinuses. If they are not washed out toxins can trigger the immune system, which can lead to allergies and other bothersome symptoms. An example of a common toxin is pet dander, which can lead to allergies. Some of the toxins you inhale on a daily basis are really difficult for the body to eliminate, such as tobacco smoke that contains tar and carcinogens that can cause cancer in the body.

Your nose works hard to expel such toxins from the body. But sometimes it’s hard to avoid them; one quarter of the world’s population breathes in unsafe air, according to the Environmental Performance Index of 2014. You might not always be able to avoid harmful air outside, but you can improve your indoor air quality in the office and at home, two of the places where you spend most of your time. Here are some tips to improving air quality and boost your nose health.

Use A Humidifier

Dry air literally dries out your nose and can lead to irritation in the lungs and bronchial tubes. If your nose is too dry, it can cause skin in the nose to crack, resulting in nosebleeds. The tissues in the nasal passages can become thin when there’s not enough moisture in the air for a long time, which can increase your risk of infections and even reduce or thicken your nose’s secretions. Your nose is trying to protect itself against the harmful dryness by doing these things, but it’s not pleasant. A humidifier is your nose’s best friend as it brings moisture to the air, helping your nose function better and preventing issues such as nosebleeds, dryness, or thick mucus.

Purchase An Air Purifier 

This is essential to keep your nose healthy and free of toxins because the air you’re breathing is clean. However, you should air out your home by opening windows for at least 10 minutes every now and then. This gets rid of stale air and improves the air quality of your home so you can breathe better. Remember, when you breathe in fresh air, you feel better. Nasal breathing is important for your health. It makes the air ready for the lungs by increasing its humidity to 100% and removes all of the toxins and infectious agents that can infect us.

Use A Nasal Xylitol Spray

Using nasal saline sprays can be bad for your nose, damaging the fine hairs that work hard to protect you by trapping pollen and other toxins in the air. You should use a xylitol spray instead. It cleans harmful toxins that accumulate in the nose so they can’t get trapped and then spread to the ear canal or sinuses where they cause infections and health problems such as asthma and allergies. Xylitol helps to prevent these substances and bacteria from getting stuck to cells in the nose. It also brings moisture to the nose and washes it out, which stimulates the nose’s defenses against pollutants.

Your nose is a powerful organ that traps bacteria and toxins in your environment to protect your lungs and overall health. But sometimes it can be comprised, such as when there are too many toxins that accumulate in the nose, causing problems such as sinus, allergies, and asthma. Therefore, it’s important to maintain the health of your nose. You can do this with air purifiers and humidifiers in the home, as well as by using a healthy nasal xylitol spray.


Keep your Nose Clean
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